How caffeine influence on the body

Nick Revenko
2 min readMar 5, 2018

Have you ever asked how caffeine works?

So, I'm not a scientist, but internet still being open to learn and explore some stuff.

Caffeine can be in different plants, but usually we drink coffee from coffee beans ☕.

I know how a little about how caffeine affect us, especially our brain: when you drink some cup of coffee, you are receiving some dose of caffeine. After caffeine wedges in adenosine receptors. It completely replaces adenosine and makes us happy and full of power.

Drinking a lot of coffee or even taking a lot of caffeine in different types is very harmful for all our body. This can lead to heart disease, as this raises the pressure and so on. But overdose of caffeine can cause a severe shortage of adenosine in the body and this will lead to the creation of new receptors to capture this component. That means that your body will make more receptors and adenosine, which is responsible for sleep and fatigue, also helps to restore the strength of the body as a whole. By the way caffeine from the body will come out and you will get more adenosine. This is not very serious, simple you will feel sluggish and will be able to sleep many hours.

Good views on caffeine is that it can treat certain types of cancer, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

My experience with coffee is when I have to drink some couple of cups during the day, I feel myself more concentrated and happier. But when influence ends you’ll feel yourself sluggish 🌚.



Nick Revenko

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